So you are going to an event?!?!?!
By Papa Woof Roth
So you are going to an event? Here are a few basic things to remember and plan for –
Before the event
Make sure you have your ride and roomshare plan and reconfirmed. Nothing worse than finding one or both have bailed on you at the last minute. Also make sure you have good contact info for everyone!
Make sure you have your ID! Most events and bars require you to have a VALID State or Government issued ID (flights, buses, trains too)
If you take medication, make sure you have enough for the duration of the trip plus a day or 2 just in case!
If you are roomsharing, towels, pillows and blankets can be hard to get sometimes, save yourself the hassle and bring your own. This goes for soap and shampoo as well!
Make sure you have money for ride, room, food and fun stuff! It’s not fair to get to an event and to beg off of others because you didn’t plan properly.
At the event
Make sure you get your room/roomshare sorted as soon as you are able. Don’t leave your valuables in plain sight in vehicles, Don’t leave things unattended in lobbies, hallways etc.
Keep your ID with you if you are going offsite for meals, shopping, etc.
If you are roomsharing and have a medical issue that could pop up during the weekend, make sure your roomies know about it and where to locate critical info, medication, epi pens etc.
Be a good roommate and guest. Don’t trash the room, make a mess and not clean it up or be a general problem child to your roomies. Not everyone likes 3 day old sweat so shower!
If you are volunteering, please be a few minutes early for your shift! This makes getting instructions and set up, tear down etc much easier! If you can’t do a volunteer shift because you have fallen ill or something, please let the event volunteer coordinator know ASAP so they can find a fill in for you.
If you get sick, DON’T SPREAD YOUR GERMS! I know it sucks but if you come down with the flu or something, stay in your room and out of crowds, don’t spread the wealth of you illness!
Have fun but remember
If you aren’t sure if something is ok or acceptable ask.
Respect others!! For many this is a long and hard earned time away from home. Don’t ruin it for them.
Not everyone is into what you are, respect that!
If you are drinking or partying, stay in control. No one likes a hot mess especially if they are barfing all over the place!!
TIP! Don’t forget to tip your housekeepers (they will earn it by the end of the weekend), bartenders, foodservers, etc. They all are working hard to make the weekend good. Show them your appreciation!
Be patient! Restaurants, cafes, bars, coffee shops are going to be overwhelmed at times and being a nice customer will help offset some of the crabby ones they get (and get you better service) remember because they are busy, meals and such will take longer. Plan for this extra time when you go out so you won’t miss something you wanted to go to because you are still at lunch/dinner.
Learn, make friends, step out of your box! So much to do and see, so many awesome people, so make the best of it!
Eat, drink, sleep!!! You have to have at least a couple decent meals each day, drink as much water as you can, and try and get sleep every night!
Help where you can! If you see someone that is struggling with bags or something, offer to lend a hand!
On your check out day, try and tidy up the room, pick up trash and don’t make the maid regret walking in your room to clean up!